Need to APPLY STRICT LAWS .... agree or not ? - News Paper

News Paper

Hi friends, This is Vinod Gube. This my Blog is all about Education, Social and Other Issues. I mean, I am gonna highlight issues through my Posts. My motive is not only to make posts or highlight these issues but to spread awareness among people. I mean, I want people to be aware. They must know, what is going on in our society today and what we can do about it. This is my motive here. I am happy to be a part of blog today coz I am gonna interact many people today worldwide. Then ready for it.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Need to APPLY STRICT LAWS .... agree or not ?


WE ALL are asking for JUSTICE here but are WE sure WE will get it ?

I am sorry to say THIS but THIS is the TRUTH. If YOU remember ASIFA RAPE CASE, then YOU wouldn't ask for JUSTICE here coz the CULPRITS in ASIFA RAPE CASE are yet to be PUNISHED. Then HOW can YOU expect JUSTICE in THIS CASE here ? If I were the LAW, I would have THEIR HEADS OFF but unfortunately I can't. WE could expect it from the LAW but the LAW WE have here is sitting quiet  and doesn't seem in doing ANYTHING. Then who will do the JUSTICE and from whom can YOU expect it ? OUR FIRST and LAST HOPE is OUR LAW but I don't think WE will get JUSTICE from THEM coz WE don't have STRICT LAWS and as WE don't have STRICT LAWS, the RAPISTS, the NUISANCE, the DISGUSTING FELLOWS, the STAINED are travelling EVERYWHERE like a TOURIST but no ACTION on THEM yet. It's only coz of WE don't have STRICT LAWS.

Just imagine, what would happen if WE had STRICT LAWS ? If WE had,  WE wouldn't have gone through SUCH SITUATIONS. Look at the PEOPLE in OTHER COUNTRIES. THEY follow THEIR LAWS coz THEY are STRICT. If THEY hadn't, then THEY too would have gone through the same SITUATION as WE have been going today. I just want to say here  that INDIA could have stopped RAPES if THEY had applied STRICT LAWS. But THEY didnt. But the TIME hasn't gone yet. It is still in OUR HAND. WE can give JUSTICE to TWINKLE by applying STRICT LAWS. Yes, WE need to apply STRICT LAWS so that GIRLS like TWINKLE may not face SUCH PAINFUL SITUATIONS anymore. Plz, share YOUR THOUGHTS if 
YOU agree with MY POINT here.

LITTLE GIRL, WE can only give YOU SYMPATHY. It is said that  

ONE who faces the PAIN understands well. OTHERS are just talking 

So I can understand 

What would be YOUR FAMILY'S FEELING right at the momemt?

But LITTLE GIRL, YOU don't worry at all coz      à¤­à¤—वान के घर देर है अंधेर नहीं

YOU will get JUSTICE as soon as possible. As WE have SUNSET, WE have SUNRISE too. Yes, the JUSTICE of SUN will definitely rise one day. SOMEONE will come and do JUSTICE. But the LAW in INDIA, it does not mean YOU should not do ANYTHING. It is YOUR DUTY, it is YOUR FIRST PRIORITY to protect US. OUR SAFETY is YOUR FIRST RIGHT but YOU are falling short in providing us SAFETY.  If YOU are unable to do THIS, then to WHOM WE should ask for JUSTICE. Plz, apply STRICT LAWS if YOU want PEACE and HAPPINESS in THIS COUNTRY and do JUSTICE with TWINKLE. Thank you ...

And sorry for TWINKLE 😥 😥 😥

RIP 😥 😥 😥

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