The OBEROI GROUP - News Paper

News Paper

Hi friends, This is Vinod Gube. This my Blog is all about Education, Social and Other Issues. I mean, I am gonna highlight issues through my Posts. My motive is not only to make posts or highlight these issues but to spread awareness among people. I mean, I want people to be aware. They must know, what is going on in our society today and what we can do about it. This is my motive here. I am happy to be a part of blog today coz I am gonna interact many people today worldwide. Then ready for it.


Thursday, May 20, 2021



Got out of the HOUSE with a RESOLVE to make SOMETHING BIG , MOTHER gave HIM RS. 25  and HE made a COMPANY of 7000 CR with IT 

GUYS , THIS is the ACHIEVEMENT of  the FOUNDER and CHAIRMAN of  OBEROI GROUP , MR . RAI BAHADUR  MOHAN SINGH OBEROI . But GUYS , to make  THIS ACHIEVEMENT wasn't EASY for HIM  . HE achieved THIS FEAT by fighting the CIRCUMSTANCES . And THIS is what I am gonna share with YOU here today . GUYS , I am gonna share with YOU 

*   How HE faced the CIRCUMSTANCES 

     and became ONE of the TOP 


Let's go then and see THIS HIS INSPIRING SUCCESSFUL  JOURNEY . GUYS , MOHAN SINGH OBEROI belongs to SIKH FAMILY . HE belonged to a POOR FAMILY . And coz HE was a PART of  POVERTY , HE had seen a LOT of  STRUGGLE  in HIS LIFE since CHILDHOOD . When HE was 6 , HIS FATHER passed away . HE was raised by HIS MOTHER alone . Seeing the CONDITION of HIS FAMILY , HE completed HIS SCHOOL EDUCATION in the VILLAGE SCHOOL . After completing SCHOOLING EDUCATION , HE went to RAWALPINDI  for FURTHER STUDIES . Here HE completed HIS EDUCATION in a GOVERNMENT COLLEGE . After completion of  EDUCATION , HE had to struggle a LOT to get EMPLOYMENT . But coz doing EVERY HARDWORK and may be HIS LUCK wasn't with HIM , HE had to be DISAPPOINTED every time . Now the QUESTION raised before HIM What to do now ? Meanwhile , ONE of  HIS FRIENDS gave HIM the ADVICE of doing TYPING COURSE in AMRITSAR . At the BEHEST of  HIM ,  HE started doing TYPING COURSE . But while doing THIS COURSE , HE understood that it is very DIFFICULT to get EMPLOYMENT in THIS FIELD . So HE left IT in the MIDDLE and moved to HIS VILLAGE . There HE started working in HIS UNCLE'S SHOE FACTORY . But here too HE could not WORK for LONG . Call it HIS MISFORTUNE or SOMETHING ELSE , THIS FACTORY too was closed VERY SOON . Facing MANY DIFFICULTIES and STRUGGLES , MOHAN SINGH was now completely BROKEN . But it is said that


And HIS LUCK shone . Yes GUYS , an ADVERTISEMENT changed HIS PAINFUL LIFE in a MOMENT . It was an ADVERTISEMENT of the POST of a CLERK. Without ANY HESITATION , HE immediately packed HIS LUGGAGE and moved to SIMLA . But before moving to SIMLA , HIS MOTHER gave HIM RS . 25 . And believe ME GUYS , IT worked as a LIFE CHANGING MOMENT for HIM . GUYS , it was just like TRYING LUCK for HIM . HE set a FOOT in SIMLA . GUYS , SIMLA was NEW for HIM . After wandering ALL DAY , HE saw HOTEL CECIL . In THOSE DAYS , IT used to be a KNOWN HOTEL . MOHAN SINGH entered the HOTEL and said 

*   I am not here to have FOOD but for a


The STAFF said , YOU have to meet the MANAGER for THIS . After a LONG TIME , HE managed to meet the MANAGER and straightaway started TALKING to HIM for HIS WORK . THIS TIME LUCK favoured HIM . The MANAGER appointed HIM a CLERK in the HOTEL for RS . 40 PER MONTH . MOHAN was VERY HARDWORKING . So keeping HIS WORK in MIND , HIS SALARY was INCREASED to RS . 50 in a FEW DAYS . After SOME TIME, HE was REMOVED from the POST of  CLERK and given HIM the CHARGE of  CASHIER and STENOGRAPHER . With the PASSING of  TIME , MOHAN made a SPECIAL PLACE in EVERYONE'S HEART . One day the MANAGER of the HOTEL asked MOHAN to buy THIS HOTEL for RS. 25, 000 . MOHAN agreed to THIS but asked for SOME TIME to arrange MONEY. HE thought IT'S a GOLDEN CHANCE for HIM and HE should not miss IT . HE mortgaged HIS ANCESTRAL PROPERTY and WIFE'S JEWELARY and paid ALL THE MONEY gradually in 5 YEARS . After this , on 14 AUGUST , 1934 , THIS HOTEL became MOHAN SINGH OBEROI . 

GUYS , after THIS , HIS HARDWORK and LUCK kept SHINING and in 1934 , HE laid the FOUNDATION of OBEROI GROUP. GUYS , The OBEROI GROUP consisted of 30 HOTELS and 5 FIVE STAR HOTELS . And TALKING about today , THIS OBEROI GROUP has built ITS OWN IDENTITY in 6 COUNTRIES of the WORLD . Due to HIS HARDWORK and STRUGGLE , the OBEROI GROUP has built a KINGDOM of 7000 CR . And it's only coz of 



Now tell ME GUYS , 


          Isn't IT INSPIRING for US 🙂  ?  YES

          INDEED . GUYS , to be SUCCESSFUL

          in LIFE , WE must have 


          What SAY ?

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