Happy MOTHER'S DAY to ALL of YOU - News Paper

News Paper

Hi friends, This is Vinod Gube. This my Blog is all about Education, Social and Other Issues. I mean, I am gonna highlight issues through my Posts. My motive is not only to make posts or highlight these issues but to spread awareness among people. I mean, I want people to be aware. They must know, what is going on in our society today and what we can do about it. This is my motive here. I am happy to be a part of blog today coz I am gonna interact many people today worldwide. Then ready for it.


Saturday, May 11, 2019


First of all, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to ALL of YOU ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


I know, MOTHER'S DAY is TOMORROW. WE all celebrate it on 12TH MAY EVERY YEAR to mark the GREATNESS of MOTHER but I can't wait for TOMORROW coz I don't think there should be a PARTICULAR DAY to celebrate MOTHER'S DAY. To ME, EACH and EVERY DAY should be a MOTHER'S DAY coz the GREATNESS of MOTHER is not the THING lying on the ROAD, is picked up and thrown into the pocket. IT is beyond the WORTH. I mean, WORDS fall short to express the GREATNESS of MOTHER. It is impossible to PAY off HER GREATNESS even if YOU take TEN BIRTH coz MOTHER is a PRECIOUS GIFT on the EARTH which is given by GOD to US. Even GOD is deprived of THIS PRECIOUS GIFT. So I think, WE should be considered OURSELVES LUCKY for getting THIS DIAMOND and should be GRATEFUL to GOD for giving it to US. FRIENDS, on THIS SPECIAL DAY, I have SOME LINES in an HONOUR of HER GREATNESS. Actually, I am so SMALL to express HER GREATNESS but what I have SEEN, what I have UNDERSTOOD, what I have REALISED and what I have FELT about this WORD 'MOTHER' till now, I am just gonna express that here. Then get ready for the LINES which I am gonna say in an HONOUR of HER. Here comes the LINES!


There is NO ONE like YOU in this WORLD

Thank YOU for feeding ME EVERY MEAL

Thank YOU for EVERY SACRIFICE that YOU made for ME


Thank YOU for being the REASON of MY HAPPINESS

Thank YOU for making MY LIFE better

Thank YOU for providing US EVERYTHING

Thank YOU for showing  US the RIGHT PATH

Thank YOU for making US GOOD HUMAN BEING

Thank YOU for teaching US the MORAL VALUES 

Thank YOU for teaching ME the LIFE LESSON

and  last

Thank YOU for giving BIRTH to ME and showing THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD


                       It is impossible to IMAGINE EACH and EVERY PERSON'S EXISTENCE without YOU coz it is YOU who gives MAN LIFE. So to ME, it is a DEBT which NOONE can pay it off. The WORLD seems SMALL in comparison with YOUR GREATNESS. I consider MYSELF very LUCKY that I have got MOTHER like YOU. YOU are the BEST MOTHER in the WORLD. Thank YOU for being the PART of LIFE. I just salute YOU from BOTTOM and DEPTH of MY HERAT and wish to GOD 

I may get YOU as MOTHER in every BIRTH.

Once again HAPPY MOTHER'S to ALL of YOU ❤️❤️❤️

Thank YOU and hats off 🙏 🙏 ❤️ ❤️

I just LOVE YOU , MOM 🤗 🤗 🤗 . It is said that GOD can not be EVERYWHERE. So HE made MOTHER and HE made no MISTAKE sending MOTHER on the EARTH. After GOD, MOTHER is considered the GOD on the EARTH and again GOD made no MISTAKE by giving THIS HONOUR to HER coz SHE deserves THIS HONOUR. MOTHER, I am very PROUD of YOU. Thank YOU for being MY MOTHER ...


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