News Paper

Hi friends, This is Vinod Gube. This my Blog is all about Education, Social and Other Issues. I mean, I am gonna highlight issues through my Posts. My motive is not only to make posts or highlight these issues but to spread awareness among people. I mean, I want people to be aware. They must know, what is going on in our society today and what we can do about it. This is my motive here. I am happy to be a part of blog today coz I am gonna interact many people today worldwide. Then ready for it.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I always believe 


The VIDEO I am presenting here will make YOU sure  the above FACT.  In this VIDEO, YOU will find 

ONE of the STUDENTS is dancing on a SONG and OTHER STUDENTS are appreciating HIM. The SPECIAL ATTRACTION of THIS VIDEO is not only just the OTHER STUDENTS but also HIS TEACHERS are APPRECIATING HIM  and dancing with HIM as well. THIS shows the TRUE BOND between TEACHERS and STUDENTS and that's wht exactly my POINT here is .

As a TEACHER, It is HIS DUTY to understand HIS STUDENTS very well and as a STUDENT, it is HIS DUTY to understand HIS TEACHERS very well. In short, BOTH should understand EACH OTHER very well. If YOU are a TEACHER and YOU are treating YOUR STUDENTS just as STUDENTS , then YOU will treat THEM only as STUDENTS, similarly STUDENTS will react but if YOU treat THEM as FRIENDS, THEY will treat YOU as FRIENDS too.

FRIENDS mean SHARING THINGS to EACH OTHER. I mean, there is NOTHING SECRET in FRIENDSHIP. EVERYONE shares THINGS to each other. I mean, as a STUDENT, 

if YOU have any PROBLEM in STUDIES , YOU can ask YOUR TEACHERS straightaway without any HESITATION and as a TEACHER, 

YOU are thinking that YOUR STUDENTS are going wrong way or not studying well or falling short in SOMETHING, then YOU can also share THESE THINGS to THEM without any HESITATION but when 

When BOTH will treat EACH OTHER as FRIENDS . 

In THIS VIDEO, YOU can clearly see that UNDERSTANDING. Just think for a while. If there had not been UNDERSTANDING, would they DANCE like this ? No. Coz of that UNDERSTANDING, THEY are dancing freely and THEY have forgotten that THEY are TEACHERS and STUDENTS coz THEY have engaged in ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP here and that RELATIONSHIP is FRIENDS. 

Don't forget , FRIENDSHIP creates UNDERSTANDING and it is UNDERSTANDING which never allows PROBLEMS to come to near to US and makes the SURROUNDINGS LIVABLE.
So be like FRIENDS .

Thank YOU ...

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