BE always HAPPY - News Paper

News Paper

Hi friends, This is Vinod Gube. This my Blog is all about Education, Social and Other Issues. I mean, I am gonna highlight issues through my Posts. My motive is not only to make posts or highlight these issues but to spread awareness among people. I mean, I want people to be aware. They must know, what is going on in our society today and what we can do about it. This is my motive here. I am happy to be a part of blog today coz I am gonna interact many people today worldwide. Then ready for it.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

BE always HAPPY

" Don't  ever  stop  BEING  HAPPY  "

The  ABOVE  LINE  is  PRETTY  EASY  to  SAY  but  for  MOST  of  the  PEOPLE  ,  SPCLY  the  MIDDLE  CLASS  ONES  always  get  DIFFICULT  to  SAY  it  . It  has  just  ONE  REASON  and  that  REASON  is  

LIFE  is  full  of  PROBLEMS 

WE  all  know  that  PROBLEMS  are  of  MANY  TYPES .  THEY  come  in  VARIOUS  FORMS .  AS  -

SOME  are  suffering   from  LIFE  ISSUES
SOME  are  suffering  from  FAMILY  ISSUES
SOME  are  suffering  from  WORK  LOAD

And  mainly

MOST  of  US  are  suffering  from  FINANCIAL  ISSUES

So  what  I  exactly  mean  here  that  

WE  should  always  be  HAPPY  WHATEVER  the  CONDITION  is 

I  know ,  it's   never  gonna  be  easy  for  US   because  SAYING  is  EASY  but  DOING  is  DIFFICULT .

DEAR  FRIENDS ,  PROBLEMS  are  never  gonna  be  END .  THEY  are  gonna  stay  forever  in  OUR  LIFE   but  CRYING  always  about  the  ISSUES  is  not  a  SOLUTION  of  it  .  The  SOLUTION  is



TELL  YOURSELF   that  YOU  are  BORN  to  face  this

What  I  mean  to  say  here  that

Just  ENJOY  EACH  and  EVERY  MOMENT  of  life  means  be  always  HAPPY  ,  be  STRESS  FREE  ,  be  TENSION  FREE .  In the  beginning  ,  it  will  get  DIFFICULT  for  You  but  later  on  YOU  will  make  a  habit  of  it  just  like  the  THINGS  given  in  THIS  VIDEO . 

और  वैसे  भी  कल  किसने  देखा  है ।

So  ENJOY  the  PRESENT  ,  FUTURE  will  automatically  be  BRIGHT .  But  to  make  it  happen


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